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External granite

According to the view of current Geology granite is exclusively created by slowly cooling magma with a high silica content. It intrudes from the mantle below into existing rock or sediment and is clearly distinguishable from the original rock or conglomerate. In some canyons near Whitewater, in contrast to this scenario a different kind of constellation has emerged:

There, structures are found that have a distinct dune-like character and consist of stratified conglomerate. If the canyon is wide, the layered material retains its conglomerate character, but if the canyon is narrow, the conglomerate apparently transforms. It is now similar in structure to weathered granite, but without losing the connection with the neighboring stratified conglomerate.

Whitewater – weathered Granite? [1]

Whitewater – weathered Granite?

Weathered granite is according to prevailing doctrine, a granite exposed to the surface weather for a long time and has become brittle. To accept the present creation mechanism for granite, one would have to assume that the granite solidified in exactly the form, composition and appearance as the surrounding layers of conglomerate, while it penetrated from below and cooled in the dunes. That’s not very likely.

Instead of the above-mentioned mechanism it is conceivable that the conglomerate electrically transformed in situ into rock. The granite in this case would be not weathered, but rather a kind of proto-granite, which was not completely transformed into granite. It is striking that the proto-granite is exactly found where the canyon is narrow (and thus in the electrical scenario where the current density increases) or where a current flow would hit canyon wall at a perpendicular angle. In an electric universe a mechanism for generating external granite is easily available.

North of Kingman at the Big Wash Road which branches off Highway 93 into the mountains, a fresh road cut can be found with weathered granite exposed.

Weathered Granite at the Big Wash Road [2]

Weathered Granite at the Big Wash Road

This weathered granite transforms without apparent sharp transition over into normal granite closer to the old surface.

Situation above the Big Wash road cut [Photo Scott Wall] [3]

Situation above the Big Wash road cut (Photo Scott Wall)

Here is a situation where weathered granite can be found under normal granite. The weathered granite may have not or only very rarely been exposed to the weather than the surface granite situated above it. Here, too, we find a situation in which the geological standard model is very unlikely, because you would have to assume that somehow fresh granite smuggled itself through the weathered granite to the surface in a way that can not be detected as a later intrusion.

From an electrical point of view, the ridge of the mountain range and the surface got more power and consequently turned into “better” granite than the underlying layers that were “only” transformed into proto-granite.

Next: Electrical current flow on Earth [4]