External basalt
It has been suggested that granite can have an external cause in an electric universe. It is not necessary for it to be incurred by magmatic intrusion, which has not reached the surface. Of course, then the question arises, how is it in this respect with basalt rock, that, according to prevailing doctrine, consists of magmatic material that reached the surface of the earth and then rapidly cooled?
The southwestern United States provides in this regard several interesting viewing opportunities. Thus we find for example in Kingman an interesting road cut at I 40, where it is clearly visible that the basalt rests on other layers that are not basalt.
The representative geologist of the responsible BLM (Bureau of Land Management) explained this with a lava flow, which is at first not an unreasonable answer. For a source of the lava he gave two volcanoes, one at Peach Springs (about 60 km north-east), the other at Oatman (about 40 miles south-west). When asked about the exact coordinates, he however had to admit that none of these volcanoes exist today anymore. They completely(!) eroded away. But they had to have been there as sources for the basalt flow. Currently, teams of geologists are again on their way to look for traces of the missing volcanoes.
A quick look at the topography shows the improbability of the success for this approach. The basalt at Kingman (which looks as fresh as on the first day) is found at about 1,000 m above sea level. Both in Peach Springs and Oatman, elevations of at least 1,200 meters above sea level are found. A lava flow to Kingman would be theoretically possible. However, to the west of Kingman, in a north-south direction, a wide valley filled with sediment (700 m above sea level at Oatman) stretches along, which falls slightly to the south. One would then have to assume that the lava had filled the entire valley east of Oatman to reach Kingman. But lava would actually flow in this valley to the south in accordance with the topography. Let’s assume that there existed a barrier that prevented that. Even under these conditions, one would then have to assume that in the valley for many miles, several hundred feet high basalt (including the fictitious barrier) had eroded away without residue, while it didn’t erode at all at the no less exposed location in Kingman. Toward Peach Springs the situation is only slightly better. No deep valley hinders the lava flow, but instead 1,500 m high mountains. Otherwise, there’s the same problem: an extremely selective erosion process ranging from unaffected to total removal and acting very specifically and devoid of logic to achieve today’s conditions.
Kingman is not the only point located in the southwestern United States where this strange situation with basalt persists. On the contrary, it seems more the norm rather than being the exception. Of course, there are also classic lava flows in the region associated to so-called “cinder cones”, for example within the Mohave reserve, but otherwise basalt is usually found on peaks which are not volcanoes and cannot provide a volcanic lava flow in the vicinity.
Here again the idea of an external origin of basalt in situ is not so farfetched. While the silicate content affects the color of the stone, the rate of cooling apparently decides on whether the rock is considered to be volcanic or plutonic.
If you can create external granite electrically, then why not basalt? The starting material would need to have a lower silica content than granite and would have to cool more quickly after the process. Looking at the distribution of basalt between Kingman and Las Vegas, it would be possible to think of a kind of “basalt-ring”, the center of which lies south of Nelson and approximately northeast of Searchlight. As a possible cause, a filamented Birkeland current could be thought of. Experiments [Perratt, 1194] have shown that the internal structure of a Birkeland current is prone to instabilities. This extends up to a typical hexagonal structure, which is evident at the north pole of Saturn. This instability is called a Diocotron instability. The folowing figure shows such an instability (white) with a diameter of over 100 km, overlying the region in question. Covered hereby are, in addition to Kingman, the basalt deposits at French Mountain near Las Vegas, at Boulder City, at Lake Mead and other places. Also interesting is the central whitish area bordered by blue areas, at least shown this way on Google Maps. Surprisingly, bluish rock is actually found in the area, deposited in slowly eroding layers of surrounding mountains. Also found in the center region of the displayed overlay are large deposits of precious metals and rare minerals. Marklund convection and electric transmutation come to mind as possible external causes of these deposits. Once the pattern becomes apparent, similar “basalt rings” can be found throughout the southwestern United States: some larger, some smaller, with typical precious metal and mineral deposits in the central area.Another manifestation of basalt in the area are the already mentioned “cinder cones”. A particularly fine example is Amboy Crater [Glazner/Sharp, 128-133], which was never used for industrial purposes. Whoever takes the trouble to climb up the cone is offered a fine view over a wide area of several square kilometers of basalt. Curiously, the basalt at the base of the cone seems to be missing and the basalt areas in some cases are higher than the foot of the cone. Also in the crater itself there is no lava flow visible, not even where the crater wall is broken. Instead the crater rim is crowned with at least one other small crater, a typical sign of electrical activity [Otte 2008, 486]. Even according to the prevailing geological opinion, the crater itself is not the source of the surrounding basalt. It somehow “flowed” out off the sides of the cone or leaked to the surface through the surrounding basalt layers. In some places, given enough heat, material might actually have melted and flowed, but for large parts of the area it looks like the effect came from above, not from below [Otte 2012]. From the electrical point of view the region around Amboy Crater is an area of intense electrical discharge from above, which transformed large parts of the landscape strewn with small dunes to basalt.
Found west of the crater there is an interesting structure in the basalt which compares to the above mentioned dual schema (Brandberg, Sinai), but this structure was unfortunately not investigated further in the “expedition” on the occasion of the Electric Universe Conference in Las Vegas in January 2012.Next: Sedimentation
Glazner A. F. / Sharp R. P. (1993): Geology Underfoot in Southern California; Missoula
Otte, Andreas (2008): Das Elektrische Universum. Eine Übersicht. Teil I; in Zeitensprünge 20 (2) 478-497
Otte, Andreas (2012): Michael Steinbacher’s „Electric Universe Geology“; http://www.eu-geology.com/?page_id=12 (DVD)
Peratt, Anthony L. (2003): Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity; in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 31 (6) 1192-1214
Steinbacher, Michael (2011): A new Approach to Mountain Formation; in Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance. 18th Annual Conference of the NPA, 6 – 9 July 2011 at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA; Mt. Airy, 584-590